Bookmarks From Recycled Cards and Wallpaper Swatches

Bookmarks from recycled cards and paper. Credit: P.J. Deneen

I was looking for a quick gift to make from recycled Christmas cards for my mom, and I came across this excellent video below from yoyomax12. Her channel is a treat. It's mainly a cooking channel, and she describes it unabashedly as a diet-free zone. Her videos are very well put together and get to the recipes quickly. She gives her honest opinion along with her family's about how well they like the recipes.

But one of her playlists doesn't include food at all. It's all about recycled Christmas cards. She's done ornaments, baskets, and adorable Christmas village buildings from used cards. Here she shows us how to make what can be used as bookmarks or gift tags. If you like to make your own art journals, they can also be used as inserts. I used cards for the ones pictured above but also a wallpaper swatch on the right. You could also use cardstock or thick scrapbooking paper. This is a great last-minute gift you can make tonight before the holiday for stocking stuffers.


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