Let the Red Cross Help Convince Skeptic Family Members

Do you have skeptic family members who roll their eyes at you when you start going on about prepping?  Why not let one of the most trusted mainstream names in emergency response help you convince them of the importance of emergency preparedness?  The Red Cross has an excellent interactive program to walk would-be preppers through all the most important aspects of being ready for emergencies whether they involve a short power outage or a terrible storm.

The tag line is Get a Kit.  Make a Plan.  Be Informed.  The interactive module includes the basics needed in an emergency kit.  It even has a calculator to input how many members are in your family including pets and then gives you the amounts of each item you need such as water, food, batteries, etc.  When you get to the Prepare 4 Game section, you can either enter your name and email or go ahead and skip it and you'll be taken to the How to Plan section.

In the video player section, there are supporting videos so your family can get good visuals and see that there are plenty of regular people who are preparing themselves.  Your family members may still have a negative stereotype in their heads such as some gun nut holed up in a shack.

The Be Informed module will help your family and friends realize the importance of knowing the emergency services in their region and how to deal with different emergencies that come up.  There are sections with instructions for CPR and how to help choking victims.

Here is the link to the Be Red Cross Ready page.  Once you're there, click on the gray box with the BRCR module which will open up the interactive program.  Send the link to a friend or family member.  It may be just the thing to open their eyes a little.

© P.J. Deneen


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