Prepping for the End of the World - Or Not

Welcome to the end of the world.  According to some circles, today is the day, 12/12/12.  I don't keep up on such things as the Mayan calender or Armageddon signs but I do prep and wanted to share a few of my thoughts on why.  Edited:  I've since found out that 12/21/12 is the end of the world.  See how little I keep up on these things. ;)

Preppers are often lumped together as doomsday nuts who think that when the end of the world comes, they'll be the ones to survive with a hoard of food and guns.  Maybe you know someone like that but generally, the only preppers I've come across are those with a great deal of common sense who understand that SHTF can mean different things to different people.

End of the world?  Not so much.

I don't prep because I hate Obama.  I've thought prepping was a good idea for at least the last 10 years no matter who was president but it's only been the last 6 or so that I had the means, inclination and determination to do more than give lip service to the idea and only since the economy turn in 2008 that made me take a hard look at how I should be prepping.

I don't prep because I'm scared of  a civil war.  But I'm from Michigan and the union violence recently is not something that surprises me in the least having grown up in Metro Detroit.  People get riled up here.  I've known people who've lost their pensions, people who can't sell their house in neighborhoods with ever increasing crime because they just can't compete with the foreclosure prices of other houses down the street.  My husband and I seem to have stable jobs but if one of us loses our job without finding another one right away, we're essentially screwed.  I told someone once a few years ago that it felt like Michigan was holding its breath waiting to exhale.  There could be more violence here based on political differences or it could fade away once tempers calm.  This isn't doomsday talk.  It's simple reality.

Maybe our state's economy will turn around because of recent positive changes.  But in my opinion, the nation has been headed over the "fiscal cliff" for quite some time.  Preppers saw this and most of us simply want to protect ourselves from starvation and begin to live a more sensible life based on responsibility for ourselves and not expecting the government to protect us.

Preppers prep.  That is all.

Why do you prep and are you considered a hoarder or doomsdayer by friends and family?  Feel free to comment below.

As far as politics, I do swing right.  But again I would prep no matter who was president.  Mike over at Survive2Day puts this so eloquently in his video from just after the election.


© P.J. Deneen


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