Heathen Preparedness

In my Pagan Prepper and Survivalist link roundup, I failed to mention a couple of Heathen preparedness groups I've come across online.  Shame on me!  They are both Yahoo groups and you'll need to apply to the groups to have access.  Here they are:
Heathens enjoy!  I'm sure there is a lot of great info there.  I did mention Cat Ellis, a Heathen homesteader, in my original link roundup, but here are links to her Better Living Daily blog and podcast and her Homesteading Mom blog.

Note:  I know a lot of Heathens don't like to be called Pagan.  I mean no disrespect by lumping you in with Pagans in any of my posts.  I'm going by the very broad definition of Pagan being someone who doesn't follow an Abrahamic faith.  I know it's not perfect, but this isn't a theology blog, so please take it in the spirit of prepper camaraderie it is intended.

Raven Radio also did an episode on emergency preparedness on blip.tv discussing the 72-hour kit aka bug-out kit.  Check out their podcast homepage for more shows on a variety of Heathen topics.

© P.J. Deneen


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