Reviewing 2011 and Prepping Goals for 2012

Happy New Year everyone.  Stay safe tonight and have a great time whether it's a party or a quiet evening at home.  It's been a fun year blogging about prepping.  Thank you to everyone who has been reading and commenting.  I appreciate your input.

It's a good time to review our prepping efforts this past year and set new goals for 2012.  I didn't get as much accomplished with my gardening as I wanted to, but I did learn some valuable lessons about how to do things differently.  I think this is why it's so important to start prepping even in small steps now.  We still have the time to make mistakes and learn.  Otherwise, my food preps are coming along.  But there are some things I want to be more focused on next year.  Here's the list.

  • More ammo preps.
  • Get to the range more often and local conservation club.
  • I want my husband and I both to get our Michigan CPL license and a pistol.
  • De-clutter.  We have been pack rats and so much crap we have can either be more organized, sold, given away or tossed to make more room for essentials.
  • Be more diligent with working on my secondary income sources, i.e. writing and crafting.  This will help with buying preps but also for paying down debt and saving.
  • Assess what barter worthy skills I have now as well a develop more.
  • First aid training.
  • Get my ham radio operator license.
  • Keep gardening but stay focused on getting good with a few crops rather than trying a bunch of different varieties.
  • Assess what holes we might have in our food preps and fill them.

That's enough for now.  There are a lot of mini goals that would fall under each category I listed, so I've got my hands full.  What about you?  What would you say your biggest prepping goal is for 2012?

© P.J. Deneen


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