Altering Jeans Link Roundup

I'm losing weight, woot!  I have a long way to go and don't want to buy new clothes every 15-20 pounds when my blue jeans "sort of" fit.  But in the meantime and because I hate belts, I don't want to epitomize Mr. Pratt's lyrics during his American Idol heyday:
"Pants on the ground
Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground" 
I haven't tried to take in some of my jeans yet as I thought I had a denim needle for my machine but I was wrong.  Off to Wally World.  Anyway, I found some excellent videos and articles to share.  I'm going to try this technique for taking jeans in at the waist (video) which is why I need a denim needle and this one for hemming jeans without removing a stitch.  Another YouTube user posted her technique for taking pants in at the side by hand sewing.  These are corduroy but I think I'm going to try this technique with a thin pair of jeans I have.  All three of these require no cutting which is good if you think you might have to take them out again at a later date.

I found this article over at Buzzle on how to alter both the waist and hems of jeans, although on this thread at Sew What's Up, some folks say it's not really worth it if you need to adjust them more than a couple of inches.  I have some old sewing books I'm going to rifle through as well.  I also think one pair I have will just have to be relegated to the donation pile or possibly turned into a tote bag.  Hope this helps.

© P.J. Deneen


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